Week 30

Hi Reader,

I'm just back in London from a short break, and excited to look back on this week.

The read of the week is The Kanye Story, a wonderful story on going from 0 ideas to a meeting with Kanye West by building a Kanye West-themed dating website 🤦‍♂️. It's a polished and captivating read that will teach you a few things about generating hype. If you read only one thing this Sunday, this should be it.

I've written up a Week 3 summary of Peter Thiel's course on the Limits of Globalization. As a newcomer to politics, the course is definitely challenging me and this week's topic on the essence of the political was no different. The main thing I argue for is the inefficiency of arbitrarily identifying internal enemies within a system.

😎 Misc

Erik Torenberg's Life Capital is a summary on Income Sharing Agreements. This new rising form of financing is a unique intersection of increasing opportunity while creating earlier and earlier forms of venture funding.

📚 Learning

Jonathan Tepper shares book recommendations on industries from his followers.

🏎 Productivity

Andy Sparks creates a Spotify playlist to help you focus.
Keith Rabois postulates the single best predictor for success.