Week 6 – How your patience affects time horizons

Hi There,

This is IRONMAN week-end as the Kona championship nears. You can follow it live on Facebook on October 13. One of the participants is an ex Uber and Facebook executive Ed Baker who has decided to train for triathlon at age 38. He won his first IRONMAN soon after and then improved the time 51 minutes faster only a month later. I look forward to finding out more about how he engineered this meteoric rise.

🤔 Meta

Collaborative Fund wrote Time Horizon vs. Endurance. The piece argues that long-term orientation and long time horizons don't matter if not accompanied with the patience to carry it through. The reality of long-term compounding investments involves withholding consumption, and other difficult decisions.

📈 Investing

The next investing principle is 25 investing rules, adapted from another Collaborative Fund article. While no explanation is provided, you can come back to this once a while and they will ring even more true than before.

🏎 Performance

I've added a new principle related to race performance. It's called Race to Suffer. There are competitive means of racing where an athlete tries to minimize exertion while still achieving their position goals. This is the entire opposite. It means going all out from when the gun goes.

I'll definitely consider this for my upcoming marathon.